Wednesday, October 29, 2008


1. If we use this soap, and skin become smooth and glowing...whathappen when we stop using it? Skin still same (permenant result) or back to normal skin( oily or whatever). In the first place, why a person before using the mior the skinare dull and oily, with pimples, no glowing, wrinkle and lookold. There is a few factors making these people like these (we calledpremature aging).

a. Stress (mentally & physically stress – mentally can berelationship, worried about family, children, etc. Physically can betoxin accumulated in the body or the person is sick)

b. Diet – This is the killer factor (Most people is all because ofthis factor). Let me ask you, most of the time, when human going fortheir food, what will they think and how they choose their food? Willthey think what food is nice & taste good? So will human normallychoose the food they like to eat or they will choose the food they aresuppose to eat and healthy? The answer is The FIRST ONE – nice &taste good. Most of the time nice and taste good, the food normallyare not so healthy. That’s why you see so many people putting onweight, with lots of pimples, feel lethargic, very oily face, agingvery fast.

c. Third factor is environment – air pollution, water pollution and UV light!

So our human body is affected by these 3 factors everyday. Because ofthe toxin accumulated in our body, it has no way to go but to come ourfrom internal to our external skin, and our skin is affected byexternal factor the environment factor. So, after using the mior, the mior will help to remove the toxin andrejuvenate our skin. So our skin become smooth and glow. Because mioris the combination of Moor & IndinineLuxe where Moor has thousandyears of history, in Europe, even hospital is using it for naturalhealing of their patient. The moor is a miracle that it has healingeffect be it internally and externally. And, whereas IndinineLuxe isWBG trademark developed from indinine where indinine is the energy cellfood, it helps rejuvenate our skin. So, you can see the immediate effect on our skin. Both Moor andIndinineLuxe are natural ingredient and it’s so powerful. For mior isonly for external, if the person who wants a total holistic healthinternally and externally. It will come to Life Reversing Industry(LRI). Founder will touch on the Life Reversing Industrytomorrow. You will then know what I mean externally and internally. You are asking if the person stop using mior, what will happen, right?Yep, the skin will be smooth and glowing continue for a period of timeuntil the internal toxin is going to surface again and the third factoris affecting us everyday.
So logically, the skin will slowly becomes back to normal. That’s whyso many people signing up facial service from beauty saloon formaintenance and also these people also apply toner, moisturiser, serumand mask…So, this question lead to a maintenace question! It’s all depend on how we maintain our internal and external (Skin).You get what I mean? If you don’t, you can ask founder when founder touch on Life Reversing part.

2.Why after using bocome too dry ? Please fonder explain in saintific way thehow it work toward our skin? If too dry, that meand that it remove allthe moisturiser at the skin ? What is the PH for this MIOR soap?

Ok, mior is a cleansing facial bar with healing and rejuvenationeffect. And also, the mior has toning and moisturising effect. Butsometime, it’s not enough for certain group of people. According todermalogist, this is the recommended way to take care of our skin. Cleanse ----à Tone ---à Moisturise - We use mior to cleanse andthe same time to heal with toning and moisturizing effect. If onestill feels the dryness, they need to apply some moisturiser.

The toning and moisturising effect in the mior bar is a bonus. Inorder to achieve the best result, we should be following the 3-step(Cleanse, tone and moisturise). For the first week, u can leave on the face for 3 minutes, after that don’t leave on, cleanse with light massage and rinse off. . So itworks in a way call natural healing and it’s not using chemical to makeyour skin smooth and bright! The miracle of the mior bar is from bothMoor and IndinineLuxe.

3.Why can not use more then 3 minutes? ( scientific mechanism plz). And what happen if use more than 3 mins?

The leave-on is only for the first week. The purpose of leaving on theskin is for the moor and indinineluxe gets into our skin for naturaldetox and healing. After that, we will just do cleansing with lightmassage. If you continue to leave on for long, your skin will becomedry, so you have to apply toner and moisturiser.

4. Mior suitable for any type of skin? how about dry skin?
- Mior is for all skin type

5.Teenager around 16 years old, would it suit ? since we know that their hormone not stable yet.
- Mior is a natural ingredient with Moor and Indinineluxe. So it suitable for them

6..And how long the healing crisis would occur in your research aboutthe Mior soap?

- A few customer ( age around 30++) complain her healingcrisis do not stop until more then 1 month.. i will attch together herskin problem..

The 3 most common healing crisis. 1) Pimples 2)Rashes 3)itchiness – Normally, it depends on the person skincondition, some people’s healing crisis will last for a few days, somepeople last longer 1-2 weeks. It’s all depend on the toxin accumulatedin their body and skin.
For these customers, the problem is coming from internal. There shouldhave lots of toxin accumulated in their body, so toxin keeps comingfrom internal. So I will strongly advice they can start cleansingtheir internal,

7.Customer complain of itchiness at all of to explain? It become worse compare before using MIOR..

Itchiness is one of the detox symptoms. Due to accumulated toxin,they will experience itchiness. This is for sure. If a person didn’texperience any detox symptom, you will see this person skin glowingvery fast. Actually, we have to mention about detox symptoms/healing crisisbefore the customer starts using. We need to explain this way to thecustomers before they start using that if he/she start using mior, theywill experience these 3 detox symptoms 1) pimples, rashes anditchiness. These are the 3 most common detox symptoms. What is detoxsymptoms? The mior has the healing effect, it helps to suck out thetoxin and get rid off the toxin so he/she will experience detoxsymptom. So, if he/she experiences the symptoms, congratulations, thedetox effect has taken place. Not to worry about this, continuewashing with the mior.
If customers experienced long healing crisis, then we need to help themwith internal detox, that’s using fibre plus for their colon cleansing. Actually, if the customer can start both mior and fibre plus withindinine, it helps even faster to get rid off the detox symptoms

8.Why our inner surface of the hand (palm) does not smooth like face skin even we used Mior at it ?

Of course not as smooth as our face! Your face skin are so soft. And you don’t use your face to pick anything. We use our hand everyday to do anything touch anything, and our palmprint so rough. It cannot be as smooth as your face, no matter how youdo it. If we don’t use our hands at all like our face, it can then catch up the smoothness

9.Any specific way to reduce double chin or strech mark ?
- Yes, LRI.

10. Pregnant lady can use MIOR ?
- Yes! There is no harmful chemical. It’s natural.

11. Why Mior can not use with any product contains Paraben ?
There is no such things. We only advice people not to use productwith paraben and not ‘cannot use’. We cannot put mior and parabentogether. They are not related. Paraben is a harmful chemical, many people inthe world, when they are using skincare product, they will look forfree of harmful chemical like paraben, SLS products

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